About this collection
heart + craft is an inclusive digital/physical generative collection born out of a collaboration between Erick Calderon (Snowfro) and Jordan Lyall. The project synthesizes artistic and technologically driven concepts that the two have been thinking through over the last decade as meaningful participants in both digital art and blockchain ecosystem.
While entirely analogue examples of these heart containers have existed for many years, Erick collaborated with Jordan to automate the process of combining the blocks and colors through an algorithm that generates not only a beautiful interactive 3D model of a heart, but also includes instructions for assembling each specific output along with 3D printable models stored inside the algorithm itself. The result is an object that can live in both the physical and digital realm, inspiring the digital collector to craft their own physical sculptures and potentially creating curiosity in digital objects for those that are more grounded in the physical world.
Learn more at heartandcraft.xyz
Display Notes
Mouse Pointer - Drag heart in 3D environment, double click on a block to inspect it
Spacebar - change background color
i - show instructions to make a physical
r - rotate
left arrow, right arrow - increase/decrease spin
f - toggle float
c - reset controls
down arrow - download image current size
1 - download image - 1000 x 1000 (1k)
2 - download image - 2000 x 2000 (2k)
3 - download image - 1280 x 720 (hd)
4 - download image - 3840 x 2160 (4k)
5 - download image - 1024 x 512 (twitter landscape)
6 - download image - 1500 x 500 (twitter banner)
7 - download image - 1080 x 1080 (IG square)
8 - download image - 1080 x 608 (IG landscape)
9 - download image - 1080 x 1350 (IG portrait)
Jordan Lyall
Founder, CEO of Prohibition