
About this collection

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Best viewed in 'full screen' For complete controls and easter eggs, hit the 'ESC' key to open the 'Controls and Settings' screen

Cinematic - Immersive - Interactive

CodeTrip, a creation of Paradoxx and NineOverZero, seamlessly blends elements of videography and software engineering, pushing the limits of on-chain generative art. This immersive, interactive, and cinematic experience plunges collectors into a unique digital world. Embark on a journey through striking landscapes aboard unique vehicles equipped with interactive accessories and discover the furthest reaches of the digital realm.

User interaction is fundamental to the immersive CodeTrip experience. The viewing perspective isn’t confined to a single angle; instead, collectors are provided with an extensive range of camera controls, allowing them to witness their CodeTrip from a movie-like perspective of their preference.

CodeTrip comes alive with vivid neon colors, depth of scene, interactive elements, and a generous serving of nostalgia. These elements combine to generate an array of unique world atmospheres.

To enhance the enjoyment of CodeTrip, viewers are given the opportunity to engage in playful experimentation with a selection of visual effects found in the settings and effects menu including the 'Engage CodeTrip' mode, which showcases mesmerizing 'Trippy' animated presets.

Where will you venture?


Leveraging the power of the threeJS engine, CodeTrip focuses on three primary development areas: assets, animation, and interaction. The entire observable world comprises an immense number of assets, with every 3D model in CodeTrip being procedurally generated at runtime.

The landscape is crafted using a grid-format plane layered with Perlin noise to modify the heightmap, while the rest of the assets employ a variety of primitives, extrusions, or lathes in their design.

CodeTrip springs to life through a plethora of animation sequences, which include modifications to position, rotation, scale, and color, contributing to an overall sense of energy and life.

To evoke a nostalgic feel, custom GLSL shaders have been implemented. These shaders introduce effects like pixelation, RGB shift, CRT monitor scan lines, and lens distortion. These additions contribute to a stylized retro aesthetic that enhances the overall experience.

Creative Credit

Engine: three.js v1.4.0

Thanks to Metageist for their brilliant work in naming the project 'CodeTrip' and crafting its visually striking logo.

Display Notes


This project contains flashing lights and repeating patterns which may not be safe for photosensitive epilepsy or other conditions with sensitivity to light.

A small percentage of people may experience seizures when exposed to certain lights, patterns of images, even with no history of epilepsy or seizures.

Display Notes:

For Menu features use a chromium browser (eg. Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome)

For Controls and Settings press ‘ESC’ to open the menu.

Best viewed in Full screen.

Mouse and keyboard required for full interaction.

Press the ‘V’ key for a captivating array of dynamic camera angles.

Vanilla JS
About the artist

Team CodeTrip

Paradoxx and NineOverZero form a dynamic duo, combining the talents of a videographer and a software engineer. Over the span of nearly a decade, they have collaborated on numerous hobby projects, cultivating a strong creative bond. In early 2021, they officially joined forces to embark on their maiden generative art endeavor: CodeTrip. The team envisions an expansion of the CodeTrip universe through forthcoming videos and generative art drops, ensuring an even more captivating experience for their audience.

Paradoxx: My journey into Web3 was inspired by my background in TV and film production. I have a passion for bringing a cinematic touch to the Web3 scene. I've had the privilege to work as a virtual events cameraman and video editor, contributing my skills to various Web3 organizations and community projects. With each experience, I have earned a reputation as a seasoned metaverse videographer, having worked on hundreds of metaverse events!


NineOverZero: As a software engineer and artist, I am driven by a strong conviction to continuously improve myself each day. CodeTrip marks the start of my artistic journey, making it the perfect platform for me to showcase my work. Stay tuned for more exciting creations from me in the future.

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